My neighbors had chickens, and the only time the dogs went after the chickens was when the chickens got into my yard. When the dogs are taken out of the yard they are on leashes and never allowed to run free. I have two dogs and an acre of fenced yard that allows them plenty of running room. Dogs have had emotional pet value since time immemorial. It’s about time the Virginia legislature, and other states, recognized it. Old Drum had been killed by a sheep farmer. Charles Burden, the dog’s owner, sued for $50, the maximum allowed by state law, and won. The verdict was upheld on appeal by the Missouri Supreme Court.

Hornsby, otherwise known as the case of “Old Drum”? Decided after three trials from 1869 to 1870, attorney George Graham Vest’s closing argument included the now famous appeal that “the one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.” In the 1930s, dogs were perceived as having “no emotional pet value”? Is David Favre, “expert in animal law at Michigan State University,” familiar with the case of Burden v. The law in Virginia is fair and is there for good reason. While I certainly would not wish to harm a dog, I would not hesitate to protect my chickens if they were being attacked. I don’t blame dogs that kill chickens I blame the owners for letting them roam. Dogs will be dogs, and chickens present an irresistible temptation to most of them, particularly when excited. We take care, however, to ensure that our dogs do not harm the chickens and do not leave our property. My wife and I have dogs and chickens, and we love them all. It’s not very effective, and it’s bound to cause hard feelings. Just killing what comes to harm your chickens is like leaving your front door open and shooting intruders. You can also put an electric strand around the bottom and top of the chickens’ enclosure, which is much cheaper. I have electric netting, which is not cheap or attractive, but it works and is movable. If a dog doesn’t try to get at them, a fox or coyote will. 19 Metro article “ Chicken-chasers catch a break”:Ī dog should be kept on its owner’s property, but sometimes dogs get loose or are let free to roam.