Toner chip printer is programmed to work as follows: – Each chip is loaded into the limited number of printed pages, such as printer toner chip Samsung SCX-3200 loaded into limited number of printed pages are 1.5K – Each one copy (photo, print, fax ), the value loaded in the toner chip automatic minus 1. Samsung SCX-3200 Reset Software means reprogramming of the printer's firmware by overwriting the firmware permanent memory data, so that refilled cartridges can be used in your printer.

1 Answer Samsung 3201 printer chip resetter sumsung mlt1660 do not. 1 Answer Scx 3200 samsung status light If you refiil the toner cartridge,now must be change. 1 Answer Samsung Ml1670 refilled the toner it says no toner Change the toner cartridge chip Apr. Related Questions: 1 Answer Scx 4021s toner reset for scx 4021, uses scxd4725a toner. Resetear Chip Fix Firmware SCX-3200 V07 V08 por software 100% probado!wmv - Duration: 6:34. DO NOT REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.23, I DON'T HAVE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.23 IF YOU REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION WITH WRONG VERSION A 'SCANNER ERROR' OCCURS AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS WHICH MEANS YOUR SCANNER MATRIX IS BURNED OUT AND MUST BE REPLACED GOOD LUCK! REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.21 ONLY WITH 1. REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.18 ONLY WITH 1.18_fix 5. REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.16 ONLY WITH 1.16_fix 4. REPLACE FIRMWARE VERSION 1.13 ONLY WITH 1.13_fix 3. Ibanez Tube Screamer Serial Number Decoder. Push 8 times button MENU then OK to print a report and view your version of firmware 2.